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Small Reminder: Your body is not his playground.

This body – barely feels like it belongs to me. You grow up to learn how your body is a tool to fulfill men's desires. Its this very same body that a man will teach me both how to love or hate myself – based on how he feels or views it. My very body, is a tool a man can use to either build or break me down. When a woman gets home, and sits back to marvel at the day she had – she will first have to shed off all the men that would still be lingering on her skin. The insults she collected. The stares. The compliments – both rough and soft, both kind and rude, both appreciated (almost never) and not appreciated. The hardest thing about going home after a long day, of existing as a woman, in the mercy of men who feel entitled to her being, is having to peel all those men off her skin, out of her heart and head. Its the process of having to reaffirm yourself of whatever parts of you they tried to use to pull you apart when they couldn't have their way with you. When she says #MenAreTrash, that's one of the few experiences she will have to go back to, to build her argument on. The unfortunate part of it all, is the extra hard work that comes with not allowing all these men to follow her back home every night just to haunt her. Its learning to love her body and to love herself whole, flaws and all. The mastering of self love will shine through on days when a man pointing out any of her "flaws" doesn't bring her to her knees. When her body stops being a ladder men climbs onto just to destroy her from the inside. The greatest acts of self love, is when she becomes strong enough to not let men and their entitlement over women to turn her into a victim. When this day arrives, she learns that she has always been powerful and she no longer has to wear any misogynists or patriarchal nonsense on her skin back home.

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