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small reminders

I dont think the world knows how to love

When it attempts to, it feels the need to alter you

The world loves the version of you it wants you to be

The first time I learned this, I had to teach myself how to always be on check mode, always checking if I haven't given in, to see if I am not a shadow of myself yet

The last time I felt like I needed the world to love me back, it drained every bit of myself out of me

It felt as though it had thrown me away from myself and I had to learn how to navigate back to find me

When I finally did find myself, I realised I wasn’t the same girl anymore

That the world had changed me.

Nothing screams lost like looking in a mirror and seeing a stranger reflected back

My body was housing the idea of the girl I wanted to be and the girl the world had turned me into

The contrast left me confused that I ended up embracing the girl the world wanted me to be

But loving that version of myself felt like betrayal to the girl I was meant be but wasn’t

I didn’t know who I was anymore.

I was just a perfect stranger to self.

Caught in a life I didn’t belong to

Little by little with each day passing by it felt like I was losing myself even more

I lost tiny bits of myself everyday into silence

So I spoke less,

cried less,

barely arrived anywhere and even when I did,

I couldn’t get all of myself there

This is bow you become less yourself

By discarding the girl you were always meant to be to embody who you are told to be

To feel like an intruder in your own skin

by listening to everyone's voices over yours

and this is perhaps how you learn that apart from everyone else,

maybe you also dont know how to navigate the journey of self love yourself

So you let them undo who you are to grow into an easier version that they could learn to love someday - if they desire to

And now you are stuck as a skeleton of yourself

Not knowing how to begin to change back to the real you

and the beauty about evolving, is that there is always room to change into a truer version of yourself

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